Yoga Teacher Training (YTT)
Total: 11 weekends (200 hours) of immersion training
It's about the cost of a vacation.
You can travel to some far-off destinations all-year-round, and still miss the most important & most exotic journey of your life.
Scroll below, complete the online application, and make your deposit today!

We are inspired by a sense of love & connection to our community. Our Yoga Immersion Training is just one opportunity.
Collectively, we feel in harmony with genuine love & happiness, when our bodies are aligned & functioning efficiently & effectively. It's not about physical size or structure. We all possess unique internal qualities & external appearances. Our practice is about seeing & feeling what is Real inside of us. Your beauty, your grace & wisdom, your courage & strength; these things are real in you. Your Presence is more than enough.
Practicing Hot Yoga helps us feel, explore, & discover that harmony in a way unlike any other. Hot Yoga is not about stretching in a hot room. An awareness & understanding is developed that helps us appreciate the subtleties of life that impact that harmony. We practice to remain Awake to being alive - to listen deeply - to remain alert & in command of our senses. So that, when the miracles arise, we are Present.
At Sol, the conversation is different. We are blessed & honored by each opportunity to share our practice. That includes each opportunity to inspire the Light & Love in others. With commitment, this practice can become natural, organic, and intuitive ~ a way of Being that transcends the postures on our yoga mats. For many, it elevates their health & mental well-being. For some, the practice is life-changing. And, fewer still, will choose to serve; to learn the ancient traditions as teachers, healers & guides. These few among us will choose to help others realize their full potential ~ to witness a rising ~ guides to an awakening. Sharing this practice is one of the greatest blessings & we are truly grateful.
Our yoga immersion programs offer a modern approach to the doorway of these ancient principles & practices. We explore the depths of postures, meditation, and breathing elements of a yoga practice on our yoga mats, as well as the qualities of yoga ethics, deep listening, and navigating transitions when we're not on our mats. We believe our practice on our mats can be a reflection of our best selves.
Teaching yoga classes is just one way your truth can manifest, but that's not everyone's path. This is why our immersion program offers this benefit, and also explores the lifestyle & leadership tools to awaken your personal truth. Whether you choose to teach yoga classes or not, we hope you aspire to manifest your best life. Our intention is to help you unlock your best self, both on & off your mat. It's about how we're Being, no matter what we're doing.
We are committed to help our students connect with their intention, elevate their practice, inspire personal growth, and realize the unique entrepreneurial spirit. Even if you don't intend to become a yoga teacher, and even if you don't do every posture perfectly; YOU ARE AMAZING!
We believe that & our immersion program is designed to manifest that reality. You deserve to live a life that genuinely reflects your best self. We provide the tools & guide your practice - regardless if your practice includes teaching yoga classes, or not; it's about Being & Becoming your true self.
Ready to find out more?
- Fill out the online application
- This is the first step & is does not "lock" you in. It's just our way of helping you think about your intention & let us know your goals.
- Already RYT-200 & interested in a 300-hour program? Start with the application & let us know!
- Visit our online library & order your books to Start reading at your pace
Your $300 deposit will be subtracted from the total course fee.
- Remaining balance can be a lump sum, or scheduled installments
- Tuition ($3600). (About the cost of a vacation trip.)
You can travel to exotic destinations around the world, and still miss the most important journey of a lifetime.
"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi
What do you get from Yoga Immersion Training with Sol?
A lot depends on what you want to learn and what you intend to do with the knowledge after completion of the training. In many cases, the student is interested in learning for the sake of learning & exploring something new. In a few cases, the student actually wants to begin a profession as a yoga teacher. As with our practice on the mat, our yoga teacher training is designed to help you reach your goals - whatever path you choose.

How long does it take?
The short answer is 200 hours. Our format delivers the content over the course of 11 weekends, including practice in yoga classes at least 3x per week. Those can be completed in concert with our training on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Once the 200-hour curriculum is completed, students are eligible to apply for the Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) 200 credential from Yoga Alliance - the industry authority for yoga teachers around the world.
We make every effort to accommodate school holidays & breaks, travel for work, and potential sick days. In the event you can't attend the classroom portion, we ask that you let us know in advance so that we can coordinate time to cover the missed material.
Aside from the classroom portion, Individual Practice time in our studio is also required, and counts toward the total contact time. We highly recommend attending at least 3 classes per week, in addition to the teacher training weekends.
As with any practice, your journey depends on each step you choose. At the commencement of training, all students will be provided with a log to keep track of their attendance and individual practice time. Those logs will be collected prior to graduation.
What's the curriculum?
Tools & Techniques
training in how to teach yoga; guided practice in postures, demonstration & open discussion
Teaching Methodology
leading classes
& how to demonstrate, observe, assist & correct postures
Anatomy & Physiology
physical anatomy & physiology
energy anatomy & physiology
the nervous system
Philosophy & Ethics
traditional texts
life off the mat
Practice Leading Yoga Classes
Practice teaching as the lead instructor;
give & receive feedback through the Socratic method
Ready to get started?
Make a deposit on your commitment.

We choose the path.
We walk the path.
We become the path.
- Rolf Gates
Yoga Alliance members—Registered Yoga Teachers (RYTs), Continuing Education Providers (YACEPs), or representatives of Registered Yoga Schools (RYSs)—agree to uphold the following ethical principles:
- Conduct themselves in a professional and conscientious manner. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that they live up to any commitments they make to their students or to the public, and ensuring that their practices and behaviors conform to the representations they make about themselves in holding themselves as yoga practitioners who adhere to certain precepts.
- Acknowledge the limitations of their skills and scopes of practice and where appropriate, referring students to seek alternative instruction, advice, treatment, or direction.
- Create and maintain safe, clean, and comfortable environments for the practice of yoga.
- Encourage diversity by respecting all students regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.
- Respect the rights, dignity, and privacy of all students.
- Avoid words and actions that constitute sexual harassment or harassment based on other legal protected characteristics.
- Adhere to the traditional yoga principles as written in the yamas and niyamas.
- Follow all local government and national laws that pertain to their yoga teaching and business.
Ready to enroll? Let us know you're interested!
Click the box to complete our online application ----->
Ready to make your deposit for teacher training? You can begin by making a $300 deposit that guarantees your spot in our next cohort. This is non-refundable & enables us to have the student handbooks printed before the first class.
After the deposit, you can make incremental payments of any amount & at any time leading up to the first class. The full balance must be paid prior to the first class. We understand that this is an investment of time & money. Let us know if you need to establish a payment plan.
Make your deposit & let's take your journey to the next level!
We're one of the few local studios with RYS-200, E-RYT 500, and YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider) credentials. If the studio doesn't have these credentials, chances are they are out-sourcing instructors (and charging you more than you should pay!!). Also, if they don't have the Registered Yoga School (RYS) credential, you won't be able to register as a yoga teacher.

Everyone has a story, their own path behind them & their own journey ahead. Each of our stories add to the richness of our lives & our community. When we share the path together, your own story can be an inspiration to others we meet.
The Sanskrit word Pradipika means to "cast a light". Our teacher training program can be thought of as a guiding light to a holistic yoga practice. Our goal is simply to provide some light to the darkness; or, as Aldous Huxley wrote, "To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception'. To see more clearly, "When 'the sea flows in our veins...and the stars are our jewels," the steps along your path are only yours to take. (The Doors of Perception) We believe your best life reflects your best self, regardless if you ever decide to teach a yoga class. Our YTT program humbly serves to light the path. Each step is a choice, and we cannot take the steps for you - the choices are yours.
If you enjoy inspiring others & helping people achieve their health & wellness goals, or if you want to enhance your own yoga practice, then our teacher training programs are right for you. The question is not how well you can you do poses. Rather, instead, why do you choose to practice yoga? What does it mean when you step onto your mat, and how do you practice yoga when you step off your mat? Our yoga mats are just mirrors.
The opportunity to explore a deeper path of your yoga practice, both on & off your mat, is challenging, beautiful, and well worth the investment. At the beginning, this path may be dimly lit & you may full of uncertainty. Be confident! You will share the path with fellow travelers & we look forward to serving as your guides. Thank you for trusting us along your journey!
If you have questions or need insights about the training program, or how to deepen your practice, we are here to help. We look forward to connecting with you soon!
Matt & Sky are both registered Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP), and meet the E-RYT 500 standards (Experienced-Registered Yoga Teacher). Sky exceeds the E-RYT 500 standards with nearly 6,000 hours of teaching yoga classes & coaching yoga teachers in Hatha & Vinyasa. Matt is also a certified E-RYT 500, with advanced training in Hatha, Meditation, and Yoga Therapy.
- E-RYT 500: This is a RYT 500 who has taught yoga for at least four years and at least 2,000 hours of yoga classes since completing their first training (200-hour YTT). And, at least 500 of these teaching hours accumulated after completing the advanced training.
For more information about training with us, please talk with Matt & Sky in the studio, or send us an email ([email protected] & [email protected]).