© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Good Vibes
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Om
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Singing Bowl
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Ganesh
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Soles of our Feet
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Sangha
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Set Your Intention
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Pranayama
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Sky Guru
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Extended Child's Pose2
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Cork
© Sol Hot Yoga Studio_Creating space

22 thoughts on “[y]oga”

  1. Since we opened, we’ve heard so many powerful testimonials & reviews from our yogis that we decided (with their permission, of course!) to share some of these in our monthly Newsletter. Each month, we ask a few of our members to answer a few short questions in order to capture their thoughts & experiences. Here are the questions & you can read their responses, as we collect them, in the “Reply” section below.

    SOL: What made you come to your first class?

    SOL: How often do you practice with Sol?

    SOL: What keeps you coming back to practice with Sol?

    SOL: Have you noticed any benefits to your personal or professional life as result of your yoga practice with Sol?

    SOL: What’s your favorite yoga class with Sol?

    SOL: What’s your favorite yoga posture in Sol’s lineup?

    SOL: What’s your favorite thing about practicing with Sol?

    Got your own stories to share? Feel free to send your thoughts & experiences to [email protected]! We look forward to seeing you in the studio soon!

    1. SOL: What made you come to your first class?

      LEE: Sometimes we just have to decide to get out of our own way, get out of our comfort zone and try something new. That’s what I did to try yoga. It was intimidating at first, and that all went away very, very quickly. The environment is comfortable to try new poses or even sit out on a pose if I need to, or Matt/Sky will provide modifications to do alternatives as well. As a first timer, it’s just about committing to try something new, and I’m really glad that I did.

      SOL: How often do you practice with Sol?

      LEE: As often as possible!! I truly miss it on the days that I’m traveling for work, and I know if I end up going every day of the week that I won’t injure myself. I am really thankful for the added classes to the schedule that give me more opportunities to go before work, right after work or the 7pm class to end the day on a good note.

      SOL: What keeps you coming back to practice with Sol?

      LEE: The short answer is it’s my happy place and just makes me feel better. The skills of the instructors, the atmosphere of the room, the playlists, and the ice cold lavender clothe at the end of every class…not to mention, I feel better mentally as well as physically, and I’m not sure I was expecting that. Both Matt and Sky have made adjustments to poses that truly teach me and make me want to go back and try it again to continue to see improvement in my balance, strength, or flexibility. And some days when “it’s just not my day”, it’s a comfortable environment to go into child’s pose and stretch. I have never regretted going to practice yoga, but i have regretted hitting the snooze button and missing a morning practice.

      SOL: Have you noticed any benefits to your personal or professional life as result of your yoga practice with Sol?

      LEE: I have notice many benefits. Most notably, I have rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Since I have started yoga with Sol, I have decreased/stopped needing any anti-inflammatory meds. The heat of the room, the stretching, the poses, the movement has helped me keep the RA under control. Additionally, I have noticed improvements in the balance of work/life and find myself thinking about the intentions that Matt or Sky offer to the class – a definite increase in self awareness.
      It’s notable to me that I feel like I can practice every day & get the benefits without ever injuring myself. Most recently, I had my appendix out, I went to class a couple of days after surgery…I couldn’t do many of the poses, but the atmosphere, the internal focus, and setting my intentions helped in my healing process.

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga class with Sol?

      LEE: This one is hard to answer…Hatha is my favorite because the poses are familiar to me now, but I realize that I have a lifetime to continue to practice each one. Related to specific classes, there is no better way to start a day than the 6:30 class and start off with the right mindset for a wonderfully productive day….and I also like to end a week on a candlelight extended Vinyasa class for an added challenge. And as I think about it, ending the day with a 7pm class and then coming home afterwards is a great feeling too. See, I said it’s hard to answer. I haven’t ever had a bad one…is there such a thing?

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga posture in Sol’s lineup?

      LEE: Don’t we all do yoga for the savasana? ?

      SOL: Nicely said! Thank you! And, thanks for bringing awareness to the all-too-common issues of RA.

      Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects more than 1.3 million Americans. About 75% of RA patients are women. In fact, 1 – 3% of women may get rheumatoid arthritis in their lifetime.

    2. SOL: How often do you practice with Sol?

      DAWN: Everyday! This is like my second home.

      SOL: What keeps you coming back to practice with Sol?

      DAWN: Sol is the only place where I feel like I take time for myself. We are in a constant run-run society and Sol allows me to regroup and refocus. No matter what is going on in my life outside of Sol, I am refreshed when I leave.

      SOL: Have you noticed any benefits to your personal or professional life as result of your yoga practice with Sol?

      DAWN: Oh my, YES! My children & staff will tell you that I am much more relaxed. I also have been able to wean myself off of 6 different medications that I took nightly to go to sleep and stay asleep. I have been on these medications for 15 + years. I now monitor my nightly sleeping pattern and I’m able to go through light, REM and deep sleep normally without ANY medication. Just amazing! Thank you, Sol!

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga class with Sol?

      DAWN: Vinyasa is my favorite class because it seems to push me to my limits. I really enjoy any of the standing balance poses because they bring me back to feeling and not thinking. Any time I fall out of a standing pose, I laugh at myself because I know its because I began thinking.

      SOL: What’s your favorite thing about practicing with Sol?

      DAWN: The atmosphere. Prior to Sol opening I had been to at least 8-10 different Hot Yoga studios. While I enjoyed many of the classes, the atmosphere just never seemed to feel like home. That’s what I feel like with Sol, it’s my second home.

      SOL: Thank you, Dawn! And, thanks for bringing awareness to the all-too-common issues related to sleeplessness.

      More than 50 million Americans suffer from over 80 different sleep disorders & another 20-30 million suffer from intermittent sleep problems. As we head into “Sleep-tember”, thank you for bringing awareness & sharing the positive benefits of yoga.

    3. SOL: How often do you practice with Sol?

      NADEEM: It all depends on my work schedule. The weeks I am not traveling, I usually show up 3-4 times a week, and the weeks I am out of town, I might only come on weekends. The best part about Sol’s is that they are open seven days, and their schedule is very accommodating.

      SOL: What keeps you coming back to practice with Sol?

      NADEEM: Before Sol, I had never done yoga. I took the first class from Sky, and I immediately signed up as I found the class very relaxing, plus I did not feel any intimidation being a newbie. Both Sky & Matt are great instructors and now that I have been coming for a few months, and I can say that yoga with Sol has helped me manage stress. My work and travel schedule can get pretty crazy, but now I feel a lot more relaxed and calm since I started coming to Sol Hot Yoga Studio.

      SOL: Have you noticed any benefits to your personal or professional life as result of your yoga practice with Sol?

      NADEEM: 100% My yoga practice with Sol has made me more aware of myself, how I breathe, how I stand, how to detach myself from the “things” and focus on myself. These are small changes, but I can see a significant impact on myself. Another big change I noticed is lowering my blood pressure.

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga class with Sol?

      NADEEM: This is a tough question! Both Hatha and Vinyasa are demanding classes and push one in every aspect. I personally like Vinyasa as it is challenging for me and tests my endurance every time I come to the class.

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga posture in Sol’s lineup?
      NADEEM: Another tough question ? I would say two poses – 1) Downward-facing dog because of the overall body stretching and upper body strengthening aspect. 2) The child’s pose – this is my comfort zone where I can come at any time to relax or to get in the zone.

      SOL: Thanks, Nadeem, for bringing awareness to the all-too-common issue of HBP. Roughly 103 million U.S. adults have high blood pressure (HBP), according to new statistics from the American Heart Association. That’s nearly half of all adults in the United States.

    4. SOL: How often do you practice with Sol?

      KIM: I try to attend class three times a week. Personally, I feel like I have better classes if I have a day off in between. During my first month, I committed to completing a 21-day challenge. I thought the challenge would be the best way for me to adjust to the practice and enough time to see what, if any, benefits there may be. As it turned out, the full 21 days weren’t required. I was hooked after the first few classes.

      SOL: What keeps you coming back to practice with Sol?

      KIM: I experienced a noticeable difference after the very first class. Not only have I had a significant improvement in flexibility and balance, I have had a considerable amount of pain relief in my low back.

      SOL: Have you noticed any benefits to your personal or professional life as result of your yoga practice with Sol?

      KIM: The benefits have been numerous from stress management to better food choices. I was actually unaware of the tension I carried in my neck and shoulders until it released. Now that I am able to recognize it, I am able to manage it much better.

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga class with Sol?

      KIM: I have only tried vinyasa a couple times and plan to return, but right now, I am focusing on Hatha. I like the familiarity of the routine and still being able to challenge myself.

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga posture in Sol’s lineup?

      KIM: My favorite poses change from class to class, if I notice a significant improvement on a certain pose, that is my new favorite pose!

      SOL: What’s one thing you would offer to encourage someone to practice with SOL?

      KIM: There is such a sense of accomplishment in those individual improvements at the end of class, it keeps me coming back for more. I always leave class feeling better than when I walked in.

      SOL: Thanks Kim! We greatly appreciate your commitment & we love seeing your smile after every class!

    5. SOL: How often do you practice with Sol?

      MAGGI: I aim for a minimum of 3 times a week, but it depends very much on my work schedule from week-to-week.

      BOB: 4-5 days a week minimum

      SOL: What keeps you coming back to practice with Sol?

      MAGGI: A number of reasons. Matt and Sky have created a beautiful, calm, healing space, and they are both supportive, skilled teachers. The classes are taught in a way that meets every students needs, from beginner to experienced members. I always feel amazing after a class, both mentally and physically.

      BOB: How great I feel afterwards – physically and mentally. Hot yoga has become a priority for me due to how great I feel afterwards. Once I set my mind to committing to my practice the 21-day challenge just happened. I am hooked!

      Sky and Matt really make me feel welcome, appreciated, and they are great motivators.

      SOL: Have you noticed any benefits to your personal or professional life as result of your yoga practice with Sol?

      MAGGI: Physically, I’m becoming stronger and more toned and have lost a few pounds. More importantly to me, I feel calmer, and more at peace with the day to day stresses of life, work and family. Balanced!

      BOB: Increased flexibility, weight loss, back issues are better, and mentally relaxed.

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga class with Sol?

      MAGGI: I love Hatha because I love holding the poses and feeling my body getting stronger each week.

      BOB: Hatha.

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga posture in Sol’s lineup?

      MAGGI: Tree pose – I feel at one – mind, body and spirit – when I grow my branches and press my roots firmly into the ground.

      BOB: Pigeon is great because it is a great stretch and it signals the end of another great class.

      SOL: What’s one thing you would offer to encourage someone to practice with SOL?

      MAGGI: Come and try a class with an open mind. It might change your life! You have nothing to lose and much to gain. You will be welcomed and cared for, never judged.

      BOB: Sky and Matt really make me feel comfortable – whether it was my very first class 3 months ago, or a class now, they have been a source of great support and encouragement. It is about you and your goals- they will get you wherever you want to go at your speed. If you’re new to hot yoga I can’t imagine a better place to start practicing.

      The classes are taught in a way that meets every student’s needs, from beginner to experienced members. I always feel amazing after class, both mentally and physically.

      It is about you and your goals- they will get you wherever you want to go at your speed.

      SOL: Thanks Maggi & Bob! We greatly appreciate your commitment to your practice & we love seeing your improvements with each class!

    6. SOL: How often do you practice with Sol?

      ANGIE: As often as I can! Which usually means 3-4 days per week

      SOL: What keeps you coming back to practice with Sol?

      ANGIE: Everything! But most of all the peace it brings to my life. 1 hour to turn off the “monkey mind.” I truly spend the entire class shifting from thinking to feeling, and not only am I walking away relaxed and at peace, I’ve also gotten the benefit of exercise. So it gives me mental & physical health. I’ve always enjoyed exercise but I’ve never found true peace, like I do at Sol.

      “It’s the only hour of my day dedicated 100 % to me.
      My past experiences with yoga have always been room temperature.
      I felt tight, unable to get into the postures, & down right bored
      staying in one posture for long periods of time… I just hated them.”

      SOL: Have you noticed any benefits to your personal
      or professional life as result of your yoga practice with Sol?

      ANGIE: I just had a coworker today, tell me that I’m much more calm during stressful situations. I sleep better at night since I’ve started practicing yoga. For the first time in years, all the knots in my shoulders are gone! And, there is, of course, the benefit of more firm muscles and thanks to that my my clothes are fitting so much better!

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga class with Sol?

      ANGIE: Hatha is my favorite, I’m working toward Vinyasa.

      SOL: What’s your favorite yoga posture in Sol’s lineup?

      ANGIE: I love Downward Dog. The stretch feels great early & by the end of class, it feels like a relaxation posture rather than a stretching posture. I notice my body changes each time we get into the posture.

      SOL: What’s one thing you would offer to encourage someone to practice with SOL?

      ANGIE: I would tell anyone that they haven’t seen all yoga has to offer until they’ve tried Sol yoga with Matt & Sky. If you’ve tried hot yoga anywhere else, try Sol & you’ll get a much better experience. I tried hot yoga at Sol in July for the first time. I struggled but loved the class.

      This was my first experience with hot yoga, and I (wrongly) assumed all hot yoga was the same. After practicing with Sol for a few months, by chance, I dropped into a class at another “hot yoga” studio. It was an assault on all my senses. The lights were fluorescent! The room wasn’t just hot, but stuffy, & smelled like a high school locker room.

      Throughout the class the instructor had to continuously open the door. Cold air blew on me & I was looking directly at their front desk & other customers were watching us through the windows. Plus, we were packed like sardines & I couldn’t even spread my arms to get into the postures. The instructor barked at us like a drill Sergeant preparing us for battle. I felt berated and commanded to push past my edge.

      That bad experience at the other place was all it took to confirm that Sol is my yoga home! Sol instructors know how to create the environment to help set a peaceful intention.

      At Sol, I feel like I’m part of a real yoga family (Ohana). If you’re still undecided, look no further! There are a million ways to exercise, but in my experience none of them bring peace to the mind & the body like Sol.

      “Thank you Matt & Sky for sharing your yoga practice, your guidance & your spirit. It truly feels like a gift.”

  2. Nearly every single day since we opened, we hear unfortunate news about a bad experience someone had at a studio teaching Bikram yoga (a.k.a. “Hot 26”, “26 and 2”, or “Original…”).

    For the record, we are definitely NOT associated with that style of yoga. Drop in for a class. We believe you’ll share the experience our customers enjoy here & immediately feel the difference – from the time you first walk in the door, to the feeling you’ll have after every class. And, if anything is off par, you always have direct access to the owners, Matt & Sky.

    If you’re curious (and we think you should be) about more specific differences between practicing yoga with SOL & experiences you might have at other places, then read on.

    1. We think it’s important to consider the purpose behind the business. Wearing a uniform for over 24 years imbued Matt & our family with a distinct appreciation of freedom, the value of diversity, and basic human decency. Many other studio owners may have left a corporate jobs to pursue a career as a yoga studio owner. Matt & Sky decided to create Sol Hot Yoga Studio as an extension of their lifetime of self-giving service. For us, it’s a matter of ethical principal and we were called to serve.

    Sol Hot Yoga Studio is registered with Yoga Alliance and International Association of Yoga Therapists, the internationally-recognized guide bearers of industry standards. We fully support the standards of ethical conduct espoused by Yoga Alliance, which can be found here:

    If you’re interested in comparing the contrasting business model, here are a few articles about the founder of Bikram yoga:

    Guaranteed you’ll never see Matt or Sky teaching yoga in a Speedo while wearing a Rolex!

    2. Bikram & Ashtanga sequences were designed in a different time for a different demographic of people, using verbal cues that just don’t make sense here & now and aren’t functional to promote healing of the body, mind, and spirit.
    (What the heck is a “Japanese ham sandwich”? And, why are we locking out our knees?)

    Sol Hot Yoga Studio teaches a sequence of postures and breathing techniques designed to heal & connect our minds, bodies, and breath. Read our reviews to hear the difference explained by yogis who have practiced yoga with SOL.

    3. The heat should be therapeutic, not another way to make people suffer and struggle. First, it’s important to realize that some studios claim to be “hot”, but can only get to 90F and then augment with Radiant heat. Here’s a note of caution about radiant heat: Microwave ovens are so quick and efficient because they channel heat energy directly to the molecules (tiny particles) inside food. Microwaves heat food like the sun heats your face—by radiation. You should consult a physician before beginning a workout regime inside a room that uses radiant heat; especially if the temp exceeds 110F.

    Yoga is a discipline, but it shouldn’t be so rigid that it leads to injury; including heat injury. Stay hydrated & be mindful of your limits. If you have questions about the heat, ask your yogi and consult your physician. If properly monitored & controlled, the heat should enhance the benefits and your experience. You can read more on this in other comments here & on our blog.

    More than anything, we want you all to be safe & happy, and lead healthy lifestyles. We understand hot yoga isn’t for everyone.
    If you are uncertain, or have questions, please reach out. We hope you’ll drop in for a class and feel the difference for yourself. Our studio is founded on a lifetime of commitment to serving others, and we try to do that with Empathy and Compassion at the forefront of everything we do in order to build resilient communities. We hope to see you in the studio soon!

  3. Our online store is open for business for our VIP members!
    Looking for something to turn up the heat in your stockings?! A SOL Gift Card is a great stocking stuffer.
    We are offering Gift Cards & also accepting pre-orders on SOL branded gear. Check out the “SOL Swag” tab in the main menu for new items.
    Giving the gift of yoga is a the perfect present for your SOL-mate!

    If you haven’t registered with our VIP program, SIGN UP TODAY: https://yogigotsol.com/register/

    1. Some shoppers have run into issues with our “Buy Now” buttons on our “Shop” page. That issue should be resolved today, but if that button isn’t working, you can also click on the picture associated with the product. If neither are connecting you to our store, please send an email to [email protected] and we will personally help you.

  4. Are you hiring staff & faculty?

    >> Yes! We are excited to expand our local network & meet so many talented individuals. This Fall, we will begin posting job openings for Sol Hot Yoga Studio Staff & Faculty positions through our LinkedIn company page.

    NOTE: We believe that practicing yoga is a fundamental aspect of working in a yoga studio. All applicants are invited to send a resume, along with a description of your current yoga practice and goals. We will offer preference to men & women who are interested in completing our Sol Hot Yoga Studio 200-hour teacher training track after being hired. If you are already a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) through Yoga Alliance, you will be required to complete a Sol Hot Yoga Studio continuing education program prior to teaching in class.

  5. We currently have an online store here at the Sol Hot Yoga Studio online shop. When will we start selling the Sol branded swag?

    >> We are awaiting the delivery of our first shirts & sweatshirts, and will post a picture on the Sol Hot Yoga Studio online store. If you’re interested in pre-ordering, please contact us to make sure we order the right size.

  6. One common question about “HOT” yoga is, “Why does it have to be hot?”

    >> There are many health benefits to yoga, especially if you are working up a sweat during your practice. Studies have shown correlations to improvements in your immune system, cardiovascular system, and your lymphatic system. New developments are also finding evidence of improvements to your central nervous system. These and many other benefits are explained on the Sol Hot Yoga Studio Blog page: https://yogigotsol.com/home/blog/

      1. Hi Kelley! Thanks for the question. Yes, all of our classes are hot. However, in November, we will also begin offering Private classes and workshops which are designed to be interactive between the student & teacher. A private session might be a great way to check out the temperatures & ask any questions about postures, about the studio, or about yoga in general. Send a note to Sky ([email protected]) any time. We’ll work with you. No worries! Thanks again for your note, Kelley!

      2. Hi Kelley,
        We now offer “Warm” classes on Mon/Wed/Fri from 6:30-7:30am. On September 30th, that time will change to 8-9am, and the 6:30am classes will be cancelled.

        Hope to see you in the studio soon!

  7. We are getting a lot of questions about Pricing & Schedule since those pages are still not active on our website yet.

    >> We will be rewarding the “Early Birds” with exclusive pricing & classes. All you need to do is give us a thumbs up to Like us on Facebook, and we will add your name to our list of Tribe members. You will automatically start earning cred in our loyalty program, and you will get notification about prices & classes BEFORE we publish on our website. Just our simple way of saying “Thank you!”

      1. Hi Kristen! Great question. We totally get it. All you need to do is reach out & connect. You can do that by posting a question here, signing up to follow our Blog, posting a message for us on LinkedIn (Sol Hot Yoga Studio), or filling out our contact form here: https://yogigotsol.com/register/

        No worries! We’ve got you covered, Kristen! Check your inbox for our welcome note.

        Thanks again for the questions. Keep ’em coming!

      2. Hi Kristen!
        Hoping we’re able to connect. If you’re not getting our newsletter, let us know! You can register by visiting this page here on our site (https://yogigotsol.com/register), or download our FREE App from the Apple Store or Google Play. Just make sure to “Opt In” to receive News & Updates.
        If you’ve done all that & still not getting the info, please email us ([email protected])
        Thanks again! Looking forward to seeing you in the studio!

  8. One of the biggest questions we’ve heard is, “When are you opening?”

    >> We are still waiting on permits to be approved by the State & the City of Carmel. Follow us on Facebook for the latest news about our Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting.

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