Celebrating Winter Sol-stice As Darkness Yields to Light

Winter Sol-stice is the perfect opportunity to recognize the natural balance of return & retreat.  The poet Rumi said, “If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.”  At Sol Hot Yoga Studio, Rumi’s wisdom aligns perfectly with the Sol-full journey of the sun on this annual event.

1. Sanctuary for Retreat.  Just as Rumi suggests, looking within to find the light, Sol Hot Yoga creates a space where you can retreat, reflecting on the light within.  You can quiet the noise of the outside world – just give yourself permission & reconnect with your own inner wisdom.  Our studio is your sanctuary to recharge, renew, and to see your light reflected on your mat.

2. Sol as Catalyst.  We chose the name “Sol” for many reasons.  First, it bears meaning of the heat; sol translated as sun.  The heat burns away the chaff, the extra toxins in our bodies are literally melted away with the sweat.  (Always a good idea to shower before & after class!)  Also, it infers the light that rises after the darkness.  The light of the sun rises again to beat back the darkness.  And, even in the darkest night, the light of the sun reflects on the moon as a physical reminder of hope.  The light is a catalyst for hope.  We learn to push through discomfort & overcome the perceived limits.  We have all survived the most difficult moments of our lives.  The light of Sol is a reminder of this truth, empowering us to rise & rise again.

3. Community of Light. At Sol, we aspire to “unreasonable hospitality” (to borrow the phrase from Will Guidara).  You are surrounded by others on similar journeys, as stars illuminating the night sky.  This supportive Sol community amplifies the message:  you are not alone & we shine brighter together.  The light of a single candle does not diminish as it lights another candle.  Our collective energy fosters this truth & genuine positivity, and hopefully reminds you of your own ability to uplift & inspire those around you.  You just can’t get that in a sauna.

Practicing at Sol Hot Yoga Studio is more than just a work-out; it’s a work-in.  This reminder of the light within you will lift you out of the storm, reminding you to let go of the visual & feel the intense heat of the light burning within, a call to rekindle the passions that fuel you & to witness the glowing effect through your practice and those who share the space with you.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” -Dylan Thomas

Jai Sri Satguru Maharaj Ki ! – Victory to the True Light within, the great dispeller of darkness!

Sign up & let’s shine together today!  <<CLICK HERE>>