Squeeze & Soak: Boosting Metabolism with Sol Hot Yoga

Sol Hot Yoga boosts your metabolism through a combination of heat, movement, and specific postures that target different areas of the body. The concept of “Squeeze & Soak” refers to compressing and then releasing pressure on internal organs & glands that play key roles in regulating our metabolism; promoting alignment, stimulating their function, improving natural detoxification, and promoting overall well-being.  In other words, Sol Hot Yoga sequences & systems help our bodies function as they were designed.

Here’s how it works:

🔄 “Squeeze and Soak

Squeeze: Certain yoga poses involve twisting, bending, or compressing areas of the body, especially the abdomen, to temporarily restrict blood flow to internal organs. Squeezing the internal organs stimulates the digestive process and encourages the release of digestive enzymes, which enhances metabolism.

Soak: When you release the pose, fresh, oxygen-rich blood flows back into the organs, “soaking” them with nutrients and aiding in detoxification and repair.  This also refreshes the organs, helping them work more efficiently to process nutrients and burn calories.

🔥 How Sol Hot Yoga Enhances Squeeze & Soak

The heated environment in Sol Hot Yoga amplifies the effects of Squeeze & Soak by:

    • Increasing circulation to speed up the flush of toxins.
    • Softening muscles and tissues, allowing deeper twists and compressions.
    • Stimulating the lymphatic system, aiding in waste removal.

🧘 Examples of Poses for Squeeze & Soak

1.Twisting Poses

  • Example: Seated Spine Twist (Mātsyendrāsana)
  • Squeeze in the posture: Compresses abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines).
  • Soak in the transition: Releases fresh blood and oxygen to these organs when you unwind.

2.Forward Folds

  • Example: Standing Forward Fold (Uttanāsana)
  • Squeeze in fold: Compresses the digestive organs.
  • Soak when standing: Stimulates detoxification and improves digestion.

3.Core Compression Poses

  • Example: Bicycle Crunches (Dwi Chākra Vāhanāsana)
  • Alternating Squeeze & Soak: Strengthens and compresses abdominal muscles and organs. Massages the ascending & descending colon in an alternating pattern.

🩺 Benefits of Squeeze & Soak

  • Improves digestion
  • Boosts detoxification
  • Balances hormones
  • Flushes internal organs with fresh nutrients & oxygen
  • Stimulates thyroid & adrenal glands to jump start metabolism

The Squeeze & Soak technique in Sol Hot Yoga helps revitalize your internal systems, supporting long-term health and vitality.  Overall, the heat, movement, and targeted poses of Sol Hot Yoga sequences & systems combine to stimulate, detoxify, and support internal organ health.  The Sol Hot Yoga method to Squeeze & Soak helps stimulate your metabolism by activating internal organs responsible for digestion, detoxification, and hormonal balance.

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