Getting Lean With Sol Hot Yoga

Yes, practicing Sol Hot Yoga can help you get Lean!  The systems & sequences help to build both Lean MUSCLE Mass and Lean BODY Mass.  We’ll get into some of the ways, below.  But first, let’s explain what we’re talking about.

  • Lean Muscle Mass: Refers specifically to the amount of muscle tissue in the body. It does not include bones, organs, or fluids.
  • Lean Body Mass: Includes muscles, bones, organs, connective tissues, and fluids -everything in the body except fat.

Bone Density and Its Relationship to Lean Muscle Mass

While bone density isn’t part of lean muscle mass, strong muscles and regular weight-bearing exercise can improve bone density. Activities like Sol Hot Yoga, which involve balance, resistance, and dynamic movement, can help build both muscle strength and bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and improving overall health.  Further, the Sol Hot Yoga sequences & systems promote functional agility in the areas that suffer the most as we age: mobility in the hips & spine, and strength in the upper & lower body.

Sol Hot Yoga helps build lean muscle mass through a combination of factors; including how often you practice. Here are three key ways:

1. Heat-Enhanced Stretch

The heated environment increases blood flow and flexibility, allowing our connective tissues to stretch deeper and work harder without the risk of injury. This increased range of motion engages muscle fibers more effectively, promoting muscle growth and toning.  The unique Sol Hot Yoga systems are designed specifically for Hot Yoga.  For example, we don’t use infrared panels because prolonged use isn’t good for you.  Check out this post <<You’re not a frozen burrito.>>

2. Bodyweight Resistance Training

Sol Hot Yoga poses like Plank, Warrior, and Chair require holding your own body weight, which strengthens and tones muscles. The dynamic Sol Hot Yoga sequences continue to engage multiple muscle groups, enhancing endurance and promoting lean muscle development.  Sol Hot Yoga “loads” the connective tissue, and when the postures are done properly, the joints are not overloaded.

 <<SIGN UP FOR OUR FOUNDATION WORKSHOP>> Learn how to safely get in & out postures, deepen your practice, and modify according to your individual needs.

3. Consistent Core Engagement

There are roughly 9 different muscle groups integrated for core strength; although most only associate the “six-pack” abdominals.  The more important muscles are below the surface, and include the muscles along the spine, and the psoas (the muscle group that connects the upper & lower body).  When you attend the Foundation Workshop, you’ll learn how this is done & why it’s so important.  Most yoga poses require core activation for balance and stability. Strengthening the core not only sculpts abdominal muscles but also supports overall muscle development, improving posture and functional strength.

Practicing regularly at Sol Hot Yoga offers a full-body workout that builds strength, flexibility, and lean muscle mass in a low-impact, sustainable way.

We’ll see you on your mat!  <<SIGN UP & SHOW UP>>