Who doesn’t love a good origin story?!
Movie theaters are packed with people longing to see the stories unfold on the big screen. Star Wars, Marvel, and DC franchises are just a few examples of how much we love to see the hero’s character develop. In brilliant fashion the classic story arc unfolds right before our eyes.
In our story, you are the hero.
In Part 1, we talked about Being, and the three keys: Presence, Awareness, Intention.
In Part 2, we talked about Becoming, and realizing your purpose in the moment.
In Part 3, we talked about Belonging, and two aspects of Focus: Ekagrata & Drishti. These two help us stay focused as thoughts of comparison, competition, and complaining start to creep in. Drishti is a form of physical focusing your gaze on a target, and Ekagrata is a single-pointed focus of your mind.
In the first three parts we have provided some tips for you – our Hero – to focus on your practice. The first part, getting through the door might be the hardest obstacle to overcome. Then, once you’re in the room, it can seem impossible to stay focused. We get it! There’s a lot going on – especially if you’re new to Sol Hot Yoga. But, even as your practice develops, it’s important to stay focused on the journey.
Today, on the Eve of 2025, we’re going back to the beginning – the Hero rises with purpose.
In the previous segments, we mentioned the term Svadharma. Svadharma is a Sanskrit term that translates to “one’s own purpose” or “individual responsibility.” As drishti refers to physical gaze and ekagrata refers to the mind’s attention; svadharma is an alignment with the unique flow of your life. Svadharma is a central concept of the Sol Hot Yoga practice, as it emphasizes living in alignment with one’s true self and fulfilling one’s personal duties with integrity and devotion.
Four Key Aspects of Svadharma:
1.Karma Yoga: There are many interpretations of karma and how to practice karma yoga. At Sol Hot Yoga Studio, the concept applies to our thoughts, words, and interactions with others. Our Etiquette guide outlines some practical ways to practice. Another simple reminder is that our instructors personally clean the studio, including washing every sweaty towel. Your practice of Karma Yoga is one way to express your Love & Gratitude for their commitment to their Svādharma = service.
2.Authenticity: Encourages individuals to act in harmony with their innate qualities and values, rather than imitating others. Sometimes you can “fake it, to make it.” But, that practice only gets you so far. As you begin to Compare your practice to others in the room, there is a healthy amount of contrast to facilitate the learning process. As you get to know others practicing beside you, there is a healthy amount of Competition that can help motivate you to keep going & explore the depths of your practice. Then, there is also a small portion of Complaining that can be healthy, when it is aligned with personal accountability. We all play a role in each class. Let your role be authentic to Your truth.
3.Equanimity (Balance and Acceptance): Living in harmony with your svadharma is journey to self-realization and fulfillment, even when the task is challenging. Daily practice with Sol Hot Yoga inspires acceptance of the circumstances while striving to practice with intention. This practice begins by understanding the balance of strengthening & lengthening within each posture, and effort & ease in the postures & transitions.
The hero’s journey is full of ups & downs. Svadharma is about understanding and embracing your unique role in the world and living a life of purposeful alignment. In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader faced each other a total of nine times! In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Avengers don’t defeat Thanos until the 23rd movie in the timeline! None of our heroes began their journeys at the point of those epic battles, and nor do we.
Stick with it! You are meant to be here!
In 2025, Sol Hot Yoga invites you to embrace your unique purpose and true self – to practice manifesting your Svadharma on your mat. You hold the pen on how this origin story unfolds. The entire staff & community of Yogi’s with Sol are here to encourage you to honor your authentic journey both on and off the mat.
In Sol Hot Yoga’s empowering and supportive environment, practitioners explore their inner truth through mindful movement, breathwork, and self-reflection. Each time you step into the studio, we aspire toward unreasonable measures to foster your own unique self-discovery. “With all our Love and all of our Gratitude,” isn’t just an tagline we hang at the end of each class. All of our instructors have earned the true meaning through an unreasonably challenging process of Yoga Teacher Training with Sol. Each of us has folded the essence into our own journey, so that every class aligns with deeper values to inspire your personal growth and fulfillment.
Can you imagine going to a restaurant where the chef gives as much care, compassion, and commitment to what you eat?! Those chefs reach celebrity status & receive Michelin stars. Diners pay big bucks just to get a seat at the table. Our brand of service is comparable.
But, here’s the difference. In our journey, each of you is the Hero of the story. Our purpose is Service – to see your Svādharma manifest – to serve as guides along your journey. This is a treasure – it’s much more valuable than something you’re just gonna poop the next day. That might sound crass, but think about it. Is one $150 dinner more important than unlimited yoga classes?!
Show up for your true purpose & watch it manifest through your practice. Your Svadharma folded with ours is the magical Alchemist’s elixir of life that elevates Sol Hot Yoga to something more than a studio. That magic you bring multiplies the service we offer, so the space becomes a sanctuary where your individual purpose is nurtured, celebrated, and integrated into every aspect.
Let’s practice together! <<SIGN UP!>>