The Alchemist: Part 1, Being

One of the most amazing aspects of practicing Sol Hot Yoga is the potential for transformation.  WE LOVE seeing new yogis throw themselves into their first 2-weeks of practice.  In truth, the remarkable transformation doesn’t happen every time, unfortunately.  (The odds have it that some who just aren’t that into it.)  However, for those who choose to practice at least 7 or 8 times within that 2-week period, the transformation is awesome.

What’s the big deal?  Those who choose to practice at least every-other-day, often see, hear, and feel differently.  Not so much a “new” experience, rather more of a remembering, or a revelation.  When you practice often, we can see with ‘Beginner’s Eyes’, again.  In some ways, it’s like stepping out of a thick fog, the noise, and chatters start to fade away.  Each individual might describe it differently, and some aren’t able to describe it at all.  In yogic speak, we’d call it Awareness (capital “A”), and it’s a significant step towards transformation.

What’s happening?  When someone chooses to practice Sol Hot Yoga every-other-day (or more), they are making several conscious choices in succession.  Those choices may be inspired by a million different reasons.  Each individual reason is important.  But, not as important as making each choice consciously.  What this represents is a readiness for change.  This is the next step.

What’s Really Happening?  Traditionally, alchemy is described by one or more of three primary goals:

  1. Transmutation of Matter: Alchemists sought to transform base metals like lead into noble metals such as gold. This process symbolized both physical and spiritual purification.
  2. Creation of the Philosopher’s Stone: A mythical substance believed to grant the ability to transmute metals into gold and provide immortality by producing an “elixir of life.”
  3. Spiritual Enlightenment: Alchemy was often seen as a metaphor for personal transformation and the pursuit of higher understanding and enlightenment.

The practice of Sol Hot Yoga creates millions of unique opportunities for you to be the Alchemist.  The first choice is to practice.  The next choice is to hear the call to Awareness.  The third choice is your readiness for change.  These are three keys to unlock the door to the Alchemist’s lab, which is simply your yoga mat.

Does it last forever?  When the door is unlocked consciously & regularly, the transformation is unmistakable.  The attitude towards others bends towards positive encouragement, and even the way one moves on their yoga mat is more fluid & conscious of the flow of energy in the room.

Over time the luster can fade, and naturally the mind can become too lazy or too rushed.  You can visibly see this in the way some move on their mats.  Although every Sol Hot Yoga class begins with a similar “call to action”, some aren’t ready to hear.  They have chosen to show up for practice, but they have not chosen to be Present.  After step 1, be ready to listen.  You must be Aware to proceed, even if you’re on your mat & in the room.

If you’re a new firefighter, the first few times you hear the bell, the adrenaline & excitement kicks into high gear.  After years of practice, the excitement might subside on the surface, but the brain & heart are still working hard.  Did you know the #1 cause of death of firefighters is not the cumulative hazards; it’s heart attack.  You can be in the right outfit, standing in the middle of the fire, and running in auto-pilot – unAware.  When we are not Aware, we are living in a state of ignoring.

According to the Master Yogi Patañjali, this state of ignoring is the #1 cause of suffering.  Naturally, our minds learn to process & filter the noise of constant input.  Over time, we start to seek the positive rewards, and avoid negative feedback.  Our brains are telling us to conserve energy for the fights lurking around the next corner.  When there are no battles, no fires, we create them based on past memories & future predictions – frequently replayed subconsciously, by the operating system running in the background of our minds.  When we’re in a state of ignoring this cycle, we are not Aware.

How Often Should I Practice?  How long you stay in the Alchemist’s lab depends on each person, and in each class.  Sol Hot Yoga cannot be practiced without consciously approaching all three locks with the keys of choice:  the choice to show up, the choice to hear the call for Awareness, and the choice to be ready for change.

Even then, if we choose to show up & we set a mindful intention, we can still forget the third lock.  When we aren’t Aware of the suffering the cycle creates, then the Beginner’s mindset remains asleep – we aren’t ready to wake up & change.  When we ignore our potential as an Alchemist – the transformation will be muted.  Not only could that cause suffering in ourselves – remaining in a state of ignoring & not listening – it can cause suffering in those around us.

Whether you’ve been in the room 1oo0 times, or you’re beginning your first 2-weeks, these choices will shape each experience.  As long as your door is locked – you are blocked from accessing the Alchemist’s lab & the power of transformation is beyond reach.  When you make the choices to unlock the door – you step into a world of positive, healthy, and healing transformation in yourself and those around you.

So, the real question is, are you ready?

Start with the choice to drop into a class – it’s yoga practice, not yoga perfect.  <<SIGN UP!>>

Your journey is To Be Continued…. 

NOTE: For optimal results & to see the unique benefits of Sol Hot Yoga, we encourage you to drop the other stuff – rule out the other variables, as much as possible.  Then, feel the difference!  Even if you choose to practice somewhere else; choose to live Aware,  as often & for as long as you can!